3 Step Lesson System - Easy way to learn to play. Step 1, get the feel by not needing to hit the right keys. Step 2 hit the right keys to advance. Step 3, improve the speed by following along.
A2 (A-square) Sound Source - Advanced data compression techniques make it possible to incorporate higher volumes of waveform data. The result is an outstanding selection of realistic tones.
Acoustic Resonance System - Reproduces the resonant effect of a grand piano damper pedal.
AHL (Acoustic & Highly-compressed Large-waveform) sound source - The latest in digital technology makes in possible to reproduce amazingly real grand piano and acoustic musical instrument sounds.
AIF (Acoustic & Intelligent Filtering System) Sound Source - Precision, large-volume sampling of waveform data combines with the latest in waveform processing technology to produce natural, amazingly realistic grand piano and other acoustic musical instrument sounds.
AiR (Acoustic and Intelligent Resonator) Sound Source - Provides sensational dynamics, damper resonance and even compensates for the speed at which hammers strike strings at different velocities and key ranges.
Assignable Jack - Assign the pedal to control a variety of features. Sometimes sustain, sostenuto, volume, rhythm, volume, etc. Sustain- extends the length of all notes. Sostenuto- extends the length of the notes playing when the pedal is pressed.
Auto-Accompaniment - System in which you generate complete backgrounds with drum, bass, and chord parts with the left hand, play melodies, and solos with the right hand. All Casio keyboards have some degree of auto accompaniment.
Auto-Harmonize - Feature which adds the chord notes of the auto-accompaniment to each note you play in the melody with your right hand.
Casio Chord - Simplified auto-accompaniment system for the novice player. No ability to play chords required.
Concert Play - High-quality audio data recordings of live orchestra performances are installed. Pianists can play along with the recordings and enjoy the feeling of participating in a magnificent performance. Musical scores of the concerts are bundled.
Drawbar - Create your own synthesizers sounds (like in the 80s music).
DSP - Digital Signal Processing allows some keyboards to change the sound of a tone. They can make it deeper, or cycle, or sound like a cathedral. Then the user can save these as a user tone and play these anytime.
Dual-element Waveform - Stereo sampled piano timbres include separate samples for strong keyboard pressure and light keyboard pressure.
Duet Mode - The keys to the left and right of center on the keyboard can be set to the same tonal range. This is convenient when two players, such as a parent and child or a teacher and student, practice together.
Fingered Chord - Auto-accompaniment system for the more advanced player; actual chord formations are played, and complete bass/chord/drum background pattern is created.
Free Session - Automatic moving chord progressions of 4, 8 or 12 bars, so you have both hands free for soloing.
Full-Range Chord - Auto-accompaniment system that allows either the triggering of chords or the playing of the melody across the entire keyboard, depending on whether you play a chord or single note melody.
General MIDI - International standard layout for keyboards tones and other parameters, which ensures that all MIDI keyboards, modules and software from all manufacturers will be functionally compatible, and offers somewhat greater ease of use. Some Casio units do not follow the General MIDI scheme, but are fully functional in most MIDI applications nonetheless.
Hall Simulator - Simulates the differing acoustic characteristics of world-famous concert halls, from pure reverberation with outstanding tonal transparency to free-spirited, dazzling reverberation. An advanced equalizing system assures the pianist's full enjoyment of vital piano sound.
Hammer Action Keyboard - Keyboard mechanics simulate those of a grand piano to provide key touch that is amazingly close to that of an acoustic piano.
HL (Highly-compressed Large-waveform) Sound Source - Advanced compression techniques make it possible to record high volumes of waveform data and recreate the timbres of various instruments including the grand piano.
Interactive Scoring - On the TV the keyboard tells the user how well they are playing.
Jacks - Ports on the back of the keyboard that allow AC Adaptors, Sustain Pedals, Headphones, MIDI cables to be attached.
Layer - 2 instruments play on one key. This allows each note to play 2 tones. You could press a key and hear both a piano and a saxophone.
Linear Morphing System - Smoother and more natural transitions between notes provides grand piano level rich differences between notes played with extremely light key pressure and notes played with strong pressure.
MIDI - "Musical Instrument Digital Interface" -- language by which keyboards, other MIDI instruments, and computers can universally communicate.
Mixer - A function that provides 16-channel control over volume, tone, panning, effects, tuning, and expression. Offers the versatility of a stand-alone mixer built right into the keyboard.
Multi-Timbral - Means that a MIDI instrument can reproduce more than one sound at a time when driven by a multi-channel MIDI sequence.
Multi-Track Memory - Songs with multiple instrumental parts can be recorded directly into the keyboard.
Musical Information System - On the LCD lots of information is shown, including Chords, Fingering, whether Sing Along is on, etc.
One-Touch Preset - Press this button after you select a rhythm style, and it will set the rhythm to the proper tempo and provide an appropriate melody sound automatically.
Polyphonic - Number of notes that can be played simultaneously. If the user is using this to play back from a computer more notes are important because the computer could sound like a whole orchestra and then the user could be playing just piano. If only 12 tones can be played at once then something would be cut off.
Practice Phrase - Scores the playing, practice the weakest part.
Real Time Memory - Means that the instrument records exactly what is played, in "real time".
Registration Memory - Allows you to configure your keyboard with a particular sound, rhythm, volume setting, effect and other associated parameters, and store all the settings for easy recall at the press of a single button. These are custom One-Touch Presets.
Rhythms - Pre-installed pattern formed by a series of notes of differing duration and stress.
Sampling Function - You can sample a sound, assign it to the keyboard, and play it as notes. You can even add vibrato and other effects.
Scaled Hammer Action - The keyboard plays heavier for low notes and lighter for high notes, for key touch that is virtually identical to that of a grand piano.
Sing Along Function - Turn off the music and sing along.
Sostenuto - Extends the length of the notes playing when the pedal is pressed.
Split - part of the keyboard plays one sound, part another.
Super Accompaniment - On smaller Casio keyboards, automatic background patterns over which you can play any white note melody.
Sustain - Extends the length of all notes.
Tones - Sounds pre-programmed into the keyboard.
Touch Response - Like a piano, the harder you strike a key, the louder and brighter the sound. Allows for more expressive playing.
Transpose - Allows you to change the pitch of the keyboard into another key. Eliminates awkward fingerings in difficult keys, and lets the keyboard be adjusted for singers, and wind and other instruments.
Tri-element Waveform - Three separate samples of a grand piano are employed for strong, light, and medium keyboard pressure. The result is an amazing range of expression for a digital piano.
Tuning - Similar to Transpose but with smaller changes in the sound.
Voice Fingering Guide - Keyboard tells what finger to use on what key and how fast to play.
ZPI (Zygotech Polynomial Interpolation) Sound Source - Optimized data compression and a polynomial interpolation based waveform playback process combine to produce amazingly clear and realistic sounds.
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