We’re so sorry to hear you want to cancel your order with us. Unfortunately once the order has been placed it cannot be cancelled. You may refuse the package on delivery to have it returned to the warehouse. If refusing the package is not an option, please receive the product and contact us back for return instructions . Once the product has been returned and inspected the refund will be processed at the time. You will receive email notification to the email address used to placed the order once the funds have been credited back. Please allow 5-7 business days for the funds to be returned. But we hope once you receive the product that you love it so much you decide to keep it! 






  • Errol Pak

    Need return instructions

  • Errol Pak

    need to return my watch


  • Jean Carlo Reyes

    i received return instructions, but fedex not UPS will accept the label sent. they are asking me for a shipping label or otherwise pay for the shipping myself

  • Anthony Soriano

    This is an extremely unhelpful article. It simply states that 'no, we cannot cancel the order even if it has not yet arrived.' What is the process of receiving a return label? All of the comments are customers that are unsatisfied, how is it possible that Casio has not found a work-around for this issue? 

    I received a product I want to return, and yet there is no return form. The link in the policy does not discuss how to return online orders, and there is no indication of how to receive a return slip. 

    I am extremely disappointed in Casio and will leave this comment here as evidence and time stamp. My product was ordered on August 12, 2022 and received on August 16, 2022. I have been trying to contact customer service and fill out the form, but have been disappointed in the service received by Casio. 

  • Nick Budzon

    There are pending charges on my credit card account and I did not order four times

  • Darth Bane

    I regret ordering from this company I decided hour after order that I want to cancel but cant...shady as f

  • Thedaddy45

    This is totally unacceptable. I've been buying this brands for years. But I can't cancel a order that's still processing. And you make sure of this by having no one I can talk too.

  • Max Pelayo

    This is pretty upsetting. Just bought one g shock and was charged twice and my order history shows two watches. What the heck man…why can’t I just cancel the order!


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